What To Expect In Your Beehive During Spring

If you would like to start beekeeping, spring is the best time to do so! The beehive becomes the busiest when the weather starts to become warmer. Here are some things that you can expect to see in your beehive during spring. 

Increase in Queen Egg Laying

During winter, the queen bee halts in laying eggs to decrease the pressure in feeding more brood. As the bees cannot fly out during cold weather, their food supply will be limited. With the changes in weather temperature, the queen will start laying brood again during spring to increase the population of the beehive. The beehive during spring will see an increase on both young and adult bees to help with the daily activities!

Increase in Foraging Activity

Spring, as we all know, is where most flowering plants bloom. This allows for the abundance of nectar and pollen for the bees to collect. Expect an increase in orientation flights when the weather gets warmer and an increase in foragers bringing back some goods in the hive! 

Increase in Swarming

Any beekeeper you ask despises swarming and will tell you to prevent it. But to give you an understanding, swarming is the bee’s way of propagating their species. This is how they create more bee population by building another colony, separate from the existing beehive. There are signs that can indicate that the bees are planning to swarm. Read here

Increase in Drone Brood

Ah the drones, the male bees. Warm weather permits for drones to be able to mate with a queen. If you see drones in your beehive, then your beehive is in a strong, good shape. Drones do not help with any honey production or even any activity! They are simply there to mate with the queen and to be fed by the worker bees. When the hive is weak, it would be incapable of feeding extra drone mouths. 

Image from https://www.facebook.com/adoptabee.net/photos/a.414392525564052/622077071462262/?type=3&theater

High Likelihood of Forming of Queen Cells

Yes, the worker bees can actually decide when they want to replace the queen. This is also one of the biggest indicators if the colony is planning to swarm. Queen cells, drone cells and worker bee cells are very different from each other! It is important to know the difference. 

What brood cells do you see?
Do you see the drone cells?

How are you preparing for spring? It’s better to start earlier than late! The season can come by quickly without you noticing. 

Interested in buying beekeeping tools and equipment in bulk and discounted price? For personalised advice on products and tips for beehive management, give us a call on 0488 010 840 or get in touch via email at [email protected]. Shop online here (free shipping for orders over $300)!