Research: AgriFutures™ Honey Bee & Pollination Program

Exciting Australian research from AgriFutures™ Honey Bee & Pollination Program.

In their extensive media release at the end of 2018, AgriFutures were buzzing about the results from their Honey  Bee & Pollination Program.

“Australia’s  12,400 beekeepers are one-step closer to breeding varroa-resistant bees and trapping the serious and pervasive small hive beetle (SHB), as a result of industry’s ongoing investment in a robust research, development and extension (RD&E) program.”

Key components of the AgriFutures™ Honey Bee & Pollination Program include increasing productivity and profitability of beekeeping and reducing the incidence and impact of pests and diseases. There is also work on increasing understanding of the role of flora in honey bee management.

A key benefit is the program’s ability to bring industry,  researchers and government together to solutions. Chair of the Honey Bee & Pollination Program Advisory Panel Doug Somerville adds:

“A  great example is AgriFutures Australia Science and Innovation award  recipient, Dr Emily Remnant, from the University of Sydney, who is  investigating how to build Australia’s capacity to develop varroa-resistant bees.”

“Dr  Remant’s research has great promise as a future strategy against the  varroa virus. Her research is investigating injecting a natural type of  bacteria called Wolbachia into the abdomen of honey bees. Her  trailblazing work could help to solve the world’s most damaging cause of  honey bee deaths.”

AgriFutures™ Honey Bee & Pollination Manager, Research, Annelies McGaw believes the RD&E program reflects the “resilience of Australia’s beekeepers.” She added:

“We  have 12 unique R&D projects underway that range from increasing the  value of Australian honey as a health food to the probiotic development  for bees by analysing gut bacteria in healthy bees, to name just a  few.”

We’ll be keeping an eye on the research here at Bee2Bee, that’s for certain. Watch this space!


AgriFutures Honey Bee & Pollination Program

Read more from The Buzz.

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